Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Turf bids awarded UPDATED

Lots of excellent comments made by residents this evening who are against the turf project. Dave Franklin was thanking everyone for this night becoming reality. Brian Auer, another member of the Turf Project Task Force and Sports Advisory Board, doesn't understand why any corporate sponsor should be made public. This was after I asked for an accounting of corporate donors and the amounts donated. This really bothers me. Why are corporations' identities being withheld?

I noticed that President Linfante did not ask if there was anyone who did not sign the sheet to speak during Citizen Comments. She did it again after the Public Hearing closed. Thankfully, Kelly Fraasch  brought that to President Linfante's attention. Linfante reopened the Public Hearing.

OK, so here is where I go into the vote for moving unassigned funds for the turf project at Middle and Wildcat Fields. Please watch or listen to Kelly Fraasch and her reasons for voting against assigning funds to the turf project. It brought tears to my eyes. Also listen again a little later when Kelly Fraasch reads her letter to the EPA. The motion passed 4 to 1 with Kelly voting against the motion.

And now the vote for artificial turf. The motion passed 4 to 1.

Shark Tank gave a unanimous thumbs down to synthetic turf.  It’s worth watching if you attended the meeting this evening — for comfort.

Good night.

Update July 9, 2014 12:53 AM Commission Discussion Session available here.

Commission meeting- up to and including the bids awarded to Vasco available here.

I didn't stay till the end of the meeting.


Anonymous said...

Does soccer know what a snow job they just got? U saw the guy say he thought soccer was going to make out.

If only some one would have asked him where he thought he would practice next year.

Soccer guy : in the new turf.
Questioner: Let's ask Mr. Brimfield the same question. Dave, where do you believe lacrosse will be practicing next year?

Brimfield: on the new turf.

Seems we have a conflict.

Lebo Citizens said...

Who am I kidding? There is no way I can sleep tonight.
Soccer guy gave me a big smile as I stormed out of the commission chambers. Soccer guy wants to keep corporate donations a secret. Why? We already know that Gateway contributed to the non-municipal funds. Did Shaw? Did Vasco? Franklin is wrong about being transparent. They have been anything but transparent.
Bendel is a liar. Linfante is a liar. Silverman is another sports guy. And Brumfield is the worst.
You may have awarded the project to Vasco, but in the end, only Kelly Fraasch has won the respect of your constituents.

Lebo Citizens said...

I kept hearing how $50,000 was going to be presented tonight at the meeting, but that never happened. Of course.

Anonymous said...

It's over, it's done. Time to move on to your next negative project.

Anonymous said...

Elaine I keep hearing that the donations haven't been coming in as pledged.

Lebo Citizens said...

12:28 PM, it's not over yet, Pal. Where are the non-municipal funds? Have you gotten your NPDES permit yet? I don't think so.

I uploaded the podcasts on lebocitizens.com.

Anonymous said...

Elaine - did you see that Chippy wasn't there tonight? $50,000 yet to come in - hum.

Lebo Citizens said...

No, I didn't really get a chance to see who was in the back of the room. The SAB likes to sit with their backs against the wall. I just saw soccer guy gloating.

Anonymous said...

As long as the SAB has liens on their houses till the project is complete, all is well in Mt Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

The kids who are pampered and sheltered from rainy days will most definitely fail to achieve anything meaningful in life. 'Tis a shame these parents believe anything otherwise.

Lebo Citizens said...

1:14 AM, wait. What?

Anonymous said...

Nah, they don't have liens because Mt Lebanon discriminates.

Anonymous said...

Elaine I respectfully decline the offer you made on leaving the chambers. $50k was presented upon conclusion of the discussion session.

Lebo Citizens said...

The people on N. Meadowcroft had liens placed on their homes even though they had paid for sidewalks up front.

Dave Franklin missed an opportunity for some PR by not presenting the $50,000 when he was giving his financial report. He said there were 7 or 8 corporate sponsors and then he claimed there were 9 or 10, minutes later.

Love the attitude by President Linfante when Commissioner Fraasch asked for an Excel spreadsheet of the $255,000 non-municipal funds. Shouldn't that be your responsibility, Kristen, as president of the commission?

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Madame President Linfante pound her gavel when retired sports turf salesman Larry Evans insulted many attendees rather than addressing the Commission as is the purpose of the citizens comments session?

What a bunch of crap!

Lebo Citizens said...

How could Madame President know that the second speaker had used up his five minutes when the time clock wasn't working?
Why didn't Madame President stop anyone speaking in favor of the turf project? It is the same crap Kubit pulled on me, but would allow Kristen and her cronies to go on and on.

Anonymous said...

Does a commissioner have the authority to demand a full accounting of any monies handled by the municipality?

Anonymous said...

I guess the rock pile might as well be a done deal.
They do whatever they want regardless of vocal opposition from taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who opposes artificial turf should save all records, correspondence, e-mails, etc. for evidence when medical problems emerge as a result of the turf. The municipality (elected and appointed public officials), sports groups, SAB & TPTF members are all culpable.

Lebo Citizens said...

Yes, 6:56 AM, the rock pile is a done deal. The high school project was rammed through without a referendum. Listen or watch Kristen talk about referendums during her comments about the turf project. She said that they don't do referendums because we elected them to make the "tough" decisions.

On the previous thread Update from Steve Feller, there was mention of Cool Springs. I drive by there weekly and it is beautiful. In fact, the PIO was promoting it here. I hope Mt. Lebanon parents realize that they will have options. Phase II includes 3 or 4 fields. Leave it to two USC guys to do it right.
Oh, that reminds me. Dave Brumfield said that USC has artificial turf. He is getting township fields confused with school district fields.

Anonymous said...

Miller said the turf was a done deal. Lotta help he was !

Anonymous said...

Money is certainly an issue, but safety is as well. All the safety talk has been centered on knees; however, I don't think it should be.

I have watched many, many games on Wildcat over the years. Balls bounce everywhere. A ground ball to shortstop is often just as likely to end up in the player's face as his or her glove. The field is unpredictable. It is known as one of the worst fields to play on around the South Hills.
In fact, I saw a player's lip get split open last week because of a poor bounce in center field.

Turf eliminates that problem. You get true hops. It's a safer, cleaner game in my opinion.

How we pay for this is important. Very important, but I believe the safety issue lands on the side of the turf.

Anonymous said...


The rough field at Wildcat could be fixed with regular maintenance. Addressing the bumps could be corrected very cost effectively by adding material to the infield and regularly dragging it and the outfield condition would benefit from regular aerating, topdressing, etc.

Your willingness to trade split lips for more torn ACLs and concussions doesn't seem to make much sense. Also, turf fields play more consistently, but there will be an adjustment to how the balls react on turf. Balls can take big hops on turf as well and the spin is different. Some kids have problems adjusting to it if they don't play on it regularly. The balls will also travel faster on turf.

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:55 AM. Turf supplier literature states that artificial turf for baseball is and should be different than for soccer, football lacrosse. The Wildcat/Middle turf is spec'd for soccer. Can't wait to hear you complain when it's not really right for you and yours !

What the Kluck, right ?

Anonymous said...

you must not have heard commissioner fraasch's comments. she was willing to put the much needed maintenance and work into all the fields. the turf is going on the best fields we have. what about the others? They will continue to sit and get worse.
I hear commissioner fraasch when she said this is the low hanging fruit and agree with her that the project to turf is so short sighted that it does nothing for all the fields or all the residents. my kids are in baseball because of the turf they will not be registering again. however with the new field she proposed at robb hollow even grandparents could have enjoyed the park area. I would have contributed to that and I didn't contribute to the turf.

Anonymous said...

If the player caught the ball in center field....no split lips. Try Nerf Balls....there cheaper.

Anonymous said...

There's no crying in baseball 8:55.

Anonymous said...

Anyone hear the talk about the associations? Even if you didn't contribute to the turf individually the association board just voted to have their monies contributed anyway. That money was for the essentials for the team and paying for kids that couldn't otherwise play.
We received a letter requesting donations and we disregarded it but nothing in that letter hinted or suggested that the association money was up for consideration for the turf funds too.
We will not register our son for Lebo sports again. He will just find another activity.

Anonymous said...

7:37 smart commissioner to ask for a roll call. She sees a lawsuit coming.
I couldn't be more proud of one Commissioner for standing up for what she feels is right and even asking for a roll call vote to stand with her convictions.
Cheers to Kelley Fraasch!

Lebo Citizens said...

To add to your comment, 9:53 AM, Fraasch asked when any of the fields were sodded. Never. When did we ever see any fields get watered? I think Kelly said in the twelve years she lived here, she had never seen any fields get watered. Kelly, I lived here for most of my life and I don't remember seeing that happen.
did you all hear Brumfield challenge a resident last night over the condition of the high school turf? I guess Dave SHOULD start reading my blog more. I posted photos of holes, worn spots, seams splitting, and stagnant water on the high school turf.
As far as Wildcat being one of the worst fields in the south hills, why did you waste so much time talking about Brafferton and Mellon, 8:55 AM? Why have there been no complaints about the high school turf?

Anonymous said...

All these so called progressive green Democrat commissioners and esp our President..Ms Linfante...don't practice what they preach....they are fakes and phonies..the bottom line.. all that matters,, is beautiful yards..(kill the deer) and state of art sports facilities at any cost...

Anonymous said...

Hopefully 8:55 isn't a youth coach, because they don't have a clue on teaching young players how to play the infield, turfed or natural grass.

Plus if our fields are in such lousy shape that ground balls are bouncing all over the place, that speaks volumes about the ineptitude of our public works department.


Infield Fundamentals-Baseball Drills (baseball drills for infielders)

"Getting The Correct Hop

Getting the correct hop is probably the most frequently neglected part to teaching kids how to field a ground ball correctly.  I hear coaches often confuse bad hops with up hops.  When I say that, I mean that coaches will tell kids that the reason they made an error or bobbled a ball was because of a bad hop.  Bad hops do happen, but a majority of the time the player just runs himself into an up hop.  The difference between a bad hop and an up hop is this: A bad hop takes a hop that is unexpected such as a skip or hitting a sprinkler head and diverts direction.  An up hop is when the ground ball is traveling up towards the infielder.  This is by far the hardest ball to catch and is the reason for most errors.  So what we teach is to totally avoid the up hop at all costs.  We tell kids that we always want to catch the ball coming down or a short hop.  Some people teach to never go get the short hop, but in all reality it’s one of the most predictable hops in baseball and therefore, one of the easiest to catch.  It’s the part of the hop directly after the short hop up until the apex of the hop that is what we call the up hop."

Now here's a question you seem to avoid 8:55! What happens when these young players go from the artificial turf at Wildcat to the natural grass fields at every other Lebo field? Will they expect your "true" bounces like artificial turf or will they learn to charge the ball for the short hop?

Hopefully, you 8:55 won't be teaching them!

If you want a safe, sterile, game 8:55, why don't you take up Jacks or Hop Scotch.

I love that comment 9:58 from "A League of Their Own". Yes, there is no crying in baseball!!!!

But there is crying in Lebo now. It's too wet, it's too cold, I might get dirty, mommy, there's too many deer, I need a snack.

It's sickening what we've become.

Anonymous said...

I know that most on this blog hold Smith and Miller on a pedestal, but please consider a full ousting at the polls. Definitely you will see Smith and Miller get involved in crazy projects like this when the voting numbers go down. When do the Commissioners announce for their next election? Are Linfante, Bendel and Frasch running again?
Watch carefully to see if Smith and Miller endorse!

Anonymous said...

What's this about not getting a financial statement from the sports groups for the nonmunicipal share?

Isn't that required?

Why weren't all the Commissioners demanding it?

Anonymous said...

Kelley Frasch didn't do any of you all favors. She jumped on this wagon of fear mongering to rev you all up and for what. There is no scientific proof that turf is unhealthy or toxic as you all call it. Everyone that spoke against the turf last night were rude and disrespectful to the commission. You should be ashamed. Our fields are a problem and the commissioners took the necessary steps to deal with this problem. The majority of this town believes this is the right decision and you are all nuts for thinking otherwise. Hundreds have emailed the commission supporting this project. Once again you relied on the minority person, a Frasch woman, to take care of your problems and it failed. She is not sports minded, athletic or gives a crap about the welfare of the community that is thriving.

Anonymous said...

4:42 am, not only does a commissioner have the right (better yet-obligation) to see an accounting of the money coming in for the artificcial turf... the Home Rule Charter demands it!

See Treasurer
Section 401, Function and Responsibility
 Item B: The Treasurer shall receive all  municipal moneys from all sources, and promptly deposit the same in a bank, banking institution or trust company in the name of the municipality, and keep distinct accounts of all sums received from taxes and other sources, [WHICH ACCOUNTS SHALL AT ALL TIMES BE OPEN TO THE INSPECTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION AND THE MUNICIPAL AUDITOR.] He shall annually state his accounts, and lay the same, together with all related books and vouchers, before the Municipal Auditor for audit.

So the private money coming in should be... no, must be... open for Kelly Fraasch's review whenever she wants it!

Lebo Citizens said...

Rude and disrespectful when speaking? Fear mongering? For Heaven's sake, get new material, 12:17 PM.

Anonymous said...

Oh here we go again!
OK 12:17 where are the hundreds of emails?
Show them!
You also say our fields are a problem. Now that we're spending $750,000 of undesignated tax money on WCM what happens to the other fields.
How about Brafferton? How about that monumental wasteland on McNeilly? Twin Hills? Bird?
Also what is a Frasch woman?
Nice, neighborly and respectful attitude, 12:17! Apparently you don't abide by the MTLDC's or MTLRC's principles of being respectful, even to those who disagree.

Anonymous said...

12:17 blog post is so wrong on so many levels. To begin I thought we were in 2014 not 1950.
I think this blog shows the heart of the problem with the sports regime.

Anonymous said...

Sports person-
Are you upset with Commissioner Fraasch because she didn't agree with you or that she is a woman or that she isn't sports mind/athletic which probably was referring to her body size?

Anonymous said...

12:17- You must be one of the few with the kids who cry when you wont but them a new iPhone and some Laffy Taffy each month. Saying you are in the majority doesn't make it true. Just because you drag out your single-digit handful of overage, overweight sports chumps every other month doesn't equate to a majority of the community supporting the project. Based on the factual evidence (you're an attorney, you should know better), YOU are in the minority. You may have your turf candy now, but in a few years or sooner, people like me will have the last laugh as your puppet Commissioners and SB members will be gone. People like me will be seated at the Commissioners table and will tell you to go to hell when you ask for public funds to pay for your kid's fancy new playthings.

Anonymous said...

See you proved my point that you are all nuts. You took everything I said out of context to make me look bad. she is sharing concerns about the turf being unsafe and telling people to be careful. She is giving the commissioners a hard time for voting on the project. She is a woman and I don't think woman get the needs of some sports is my point. She probably doesn't get the facts about the needs for the field use and the extra time we will gain with this turf. She is obviously not an athlete and probably never was which is fine. I don't care if she is overweight. I do care that she gives everyone a hard time about everything. She asks too many questions. She doesn't want to spend a dime in making this community the best it can be and I find that wrong. D. Brumfield has shared with me and others more than once that she is a pain.

Anonymous said...

12:17 that overwhelming support for turfing Wildcat Middle where did you say we can see it?
In the LeboFields Petition? Surely you can provide copies of those hundreds of emails from proponents?

Lebo Citizens said...

Wait, she is obviously not an athlete? You mean like Dave Brumfield, Dave Franklin, Chip, and me? You don't think women get the needs of some sports? Like Stacey Franklin, Kristen Linfante, Diane Wainwright, the two other women on the SAB? I know how you are going to vote on amending the Home Rule Charter to be gender neutral.

Kristen, aren't you glad you supported these misogynists?

Anonymous said...

12:50, a pain because she doesn't lay down for WC/M turf as you and/or Brumfield command? I recall a fine plan for the addition of a full size and micro field at Robb Hollow in addition to other amenities. Would've cost less than WC/M and actually provided relief from play on the other fields. WC/M is the lazy way. And to categorize Kelly as a non-athlete who can't possibly understand the sports needs of the community is because she's a woman makes you look like a fool on your own- you don't need my help for that. Take off your glory-days jock strap and start acting like an adult. Maybe then will you be treated as such.


Anonymous said...

12:50 Thank you for your comments. You have validated my observations of Mt Lebanon, especially within a small segment, that believes women do not understand sports and simply live here due to their mrs. degrees. But you are wrong, 12:50. By being closed minded and sexist, you will end up losing this battle now and into the future.

Believe it or not, 12:50, until you actually stand on your new turf field, you haven't won your battle. The opposition is still ahead. Mark my words.

PS Readers: A turf supporter removed his pro-turf yard sign and replaced it with two "DRIVE LIKE YOUR KIDS LIVE HERE" signs. Maybe he reevaluated his priorities.

Lebo Citizens said...

12:50 PM, Kelly just approved a $4 million pool project. She came up with a way to give you a full size field in Robb Hollow. Originally, she was willing to go with organic infill. She wanted to improve the golf course. She got Highland Terrace Park built. Rockwood Park is the best it has ever looked. She cleaned up Church Place Park. She fought to get the Zamagias property cleaned up. She is trying to get a security system for the Public Safety Building and the Municipal Building. She started the Drug Task Force. What the hell are you talking about?
Nice that Brumfield thinks she is a pain. She is the only commissioner who supported his dog park fiasco. She came down on me hard and defended Brumfield over a personal issue.
Brumfield is a real piece of work.

Anonymous said...

I'm a coach sports minded person and I am in complete support of Commissioner Fraasch.
She had the right plan and the best plan for our community. Our sports cabal just didn't have the vision. She is right to have concerns about the field. I believe that Brumfield finally said after she read the EPA letter that he isn't discounting the concerns. He just finds them minimal like chemicals in furniture. What a sad day!
Commissioner Fraasch, many in the sports minded group do support your work.

Anonymous said...

Is 12:50 some kind of troglodyte? "She is a woman and I don't think women get the needs of some sports is my point." Really 12:50?!!!
Ask the Lebo girls sports team members if your asinine comment offends them!
How about Lebo woman in general?
Then there is your issue of someone's weight. What, the rest of the commissioners are prime examples of athleticism?
Then the comment that Fraasch doesn't want to spend a dime in making this community the best it can be. BULLSHIT, pure unadulterated BULLSHIT!
Fraasch presented a plan to develop more fields and recreational opportunities for residents of all ages and it wasn't a cheap plan by any means. But it was a more fiscally responsible plan that would serve the greatest number of residents.

Elaine, are 12:50 and the commenter that claimed turf wouldn't eliminate split lips in baseball one and the same?
Elaine is

Anonymous said...

You are once again twisting my words. Maybe she should stick to the parks and leave the fields to the guys on the Commission. They know better. She does not. I am sure the parks look pretty and that is where her input is needed. I am glad to hear all the things she has done but she hasn't represented everyone with all the things we deserve as Lebo is a thriving community. The turf will only raise the property values and bring more people to Lebo.

Anonymous said...

12:17 is right. Kelly has no idea what it takes to run a community. We need to provide the best in recreation to draw young family to the area. A drive by Wildcat by a realtor next year will give parents something to be proud of and have kids begging to come to Mount Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

1:37 Your sexism runs deep. There is absolutely no empirical data indicating that turf will draw people to Mt Lebanon or improve property values. In contrast, there is data to show that historical districts raise property values.

Your plastic driven, tasteless enterprise may compromise Mt Lebanon's historic district and conflict with the state of Pennsylvania's Comprehensive Plan for historic preservation.

Lebo Citizens said...

Raise property values and bring more people to Lebo? Seriously, get new stuff.
The commissioners are doing a bang up job raising property values. Ask the newcomers. Bring more people to Lebo? Where do you want them to go? Are you talking about the senior citizen or low income housing going up on Castlegate? Oh definitely, toxic turf will target that demographic. Are you suggesting we start converting our homes into mutiple family dwellings? What is the saying? You can't put ten pounds of crap in a five pound bag. We can't bring more people into Mt. Lebanon unless we look at the TOD.
I really don't understand your aggressive attitude, 1:37 PM. You should be high on life right now, considering the votes that went down last night. Are you worried?

Anonymous said...

1:37, are you a Lebo Troll or are you truly that dumb? You think a bunch of morbidly obese, diabetic middle-aged (more like stone-aged) men are inherently more qualified to deal with sports issues more so than a woman? This isn't even a sports issue, it's a DON'T WASTE MY TAX DOLLARS issue. Anyone who stands up for thoughtful consideration of how to spend my money to benefit the largest possible segment of the community earns my support and backing. Those who take the easy way out, don't care much for details, and want to park their SUV's next to home plate are the cancer on our community. Go away, troll.


Lebo Citizens said...

A drive by Baptist Road and Hamilton Road will have parents telling their kids there is no reason to pay high taxes in Mt. Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 1:37... nobody twisted your words. Here's a direct quote of what you wrote at 12:50... "She is a woman and I don't think women get the needs of some sports is my point."

Now you've doubled down and written: "Maybe she should stick to the parks and leave the fields to the guys on the Commission. They know better." Maybe she should stay barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen as well, eh 12:50/1:37?

Glad you chose to stay anonymous, some of the following sports stupid women might have a bone to pick with you!

MTL Girls Lacrosse 2014 WPIAL Champions

MTL Girls Cross Country 2013 WPIAL Champions

"Five (5) players from the Mt. Lebanon Girls Lacrosse Team represented Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania in the National Tournament on Memorial Day. The players were Amanda Riesmeyer, Elizabeth Donley, Sophia Klaber, Megan Gibbons and Molly Collins. The National Tournament is held in conjunction with the NCAA Division 1 Women’s Lacrosse Championship (Final Four). Over 60 teams from throughout the USA participated. The Pittsburgh/Western PA team played against teams from Ohio (2), Virginia, Pennsylvania and Utah/Idaho (combined team). Way to go girls!"

Oh yeah, 12:50/1:37... turf serves the biggest group of residents... Bullshit!

Anonymous said...

12:21 I'm no regulator, but I wonder if "keep distinct accounts of all sums received from taxes and other sources" in the Charter is satisfied by saying that $X came from MLCE, the entity that remitted to the Twp.

Anonymous said...

Everyone, calm down. This is a troll sighting. He's not serious. He has nothing better to do than post inflammatory comments- the responses to which are his entertainment. Keep calm, don't pay the troll any attention and maybe he will find another use for his time.


Lebo Citizens said...

J, I have given the troll enough time on the blog today. I won't be approving any more of the troll's comments.

Anonymous said...

Good question 2:07, to which I have no answer.

If we are to take Feller's response to Elaine at face value...
"1) The status on the non-municipal funds is:
The Municipality has received a check for $92,000 and a check for $5,000 totaling $97,000
Mr Franklin has indicated that today by 2 pm we will have additional funds totaling $93,466 bringing the total to $190,466
Mr Franklin also states that a check in the amount of $50,000 will be delivered prior to the meeting bringing the total to $240,466
Finally, Mr. Franklin states that the Community Endowment has funds in their possession totaling $15,267 that will be delivered to the municipality by the end of the week bringing the total over $255,000", then the sources of only $15,267 would be hidden.

One might suppose, now alerted the books could juggled to put it all under the community endowment, but then the deposit slips and ledgers could possible show different.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is a troll sighting. If you go back to their first comment at 12:17 they aimed to discredit Fraasch.
Doing so in preparation for the next round of sports spending.

Anonymous said...

The troll is probably just bored. He can't play baseball because the fields aren't yet turf and he might cut his lip. He can't practice soccer because it rained 3 days ago and he might get a grass stain on his designer Nike's. He's basically confined to his house because he wouldn't be caught dead at or near a recreation facility that doesn't have the newest, trendiest turf. He's mad at his parents because he will have to walk 8 feet from his mom's SUV to the dugouts until WC Phase II parking expansion is built. He's mad that the fancy memorial won't be installed to honor his parents that he was planning to brag to his friends about. It's clearly tough to be a kid in the slums of MTL, so we all need to cut him some slack and get off his back.


Anonymous said...

Of one thing we can be sure.
"Bullshit" Kelly's PW Dept. will have one less field to care for, for the next 3 months or so.
Wonder if they'll put that freed up time in on care and maintanence on the other fields or if they'll just coast for a while.

Anonymous said...

Who's going to be the nighttime security guard to catch me when I spit sunflower seeds on WC/M in the middle of the night, voiding its warranty? What if a naïve passerby steps onto the field with non-approved footwear? What if the wind blows a fun-size 3 Musketeers wrapper from a litterbug along Cedar Blvd. onto the field? What if an unsuspecting parent places a folding chair onto the turf? What if little Jimmy forgets to leave his juice box in the dugout? WHO WILL PROTECT THE FIELD FROM THE DAILY THREATS TO ITS WARRANTY??? Who will answer the call of the Rec Department and don the Turf Ranger dunce cap to patrol the fields from dusk until dawn???

Anonymous said...

How about all the frickin baby strollers??!!! During the Cancer walk in June at the HS Track.. there were tons of stroller wheels on the track ... Did anybody ever think about the track of land that the Kossmans own at the intersection of CastleShannon and Lebo Blvds?? They cut all the trees down and there was going to be a health club built until they backed out.. Damnit maybe for $750,000 lebo could of purchased the property and build a sports complex!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what Commissioner Fraasch gets in her email directly or in person when she runs into these ass*****.

Lebo Citizens said...

3:55 PM, even something as harmless as bird seed, people have been cited across the country for putting bird seed on the fields.

The discussion session is on the municipal website now. Franklin's breakdown for the Youth Sports Groups, which Brumfield was not interested in sharing with Kelly was:

$50,000 Soccer
$50,000 Baseball
$21,000 Brumfield's Lacrosse
$500 Field Hockey
$6,500 Football
$7,500 Softball
$7,500 Basketball

PAC donated $2,500
Blue Devil Club donated $5,000

Do you think the reason why Brumfield wasn't willing to share had something to do with Lacrosse getting the bulk of the playing time and paying less than soccer or baseball? The Youth Sports Associations wrote checks directly to Mt. Lebanon, PA. This should be public record.
Additionally, any corporate funds donated prior to entering the Community Endowment Agreement should also be available through a RTK. We know that Gateway and Dick's Sporting Goods donations were made early on - before MLCE entered the picture. According to Franklin, that should leave 5-6 or 7-9 corporate donors remaining, depending on which set of numbers he wants to use. He said there were 7 or 8 corporate donors and then claimed there were 9 or 10 corporate donors.
I'm wiped out, so if anyone wants to file a RTK for non-municipal corporate funding sources and amounts of the corporate donations, be my guest.

Anonymous said...

They did it to Kelly Fraasch's husband while he was on the school board (turned out he was right on the HS project and the budget) and now they're doing it to Kelly.

Both major political parties claim they are principled, such as the following by the MTLDC:
• Be STRONG by respecting a diversity of views, opinions, and talents

Neither local party steps up when respect gets thrown out the window.

Anonymous said...

So who wants to form a softball league for next year? Id love to see the Daves try to prevent us from using that brand new shiny toxic field. Public money, public facility, chumps. Talk about boxing yourself in. Haha. Idiots just spent years pushing for this and now anyone can use it.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, Privatizing and the expansion of the TOD make total sense. It keeps politics out of the decision and reduces the size of government!!
Constance Spicuous Consumption

Anonymous said...

Adult Dodgeball League. Brummy will be the first out.

Anonymous said...

Field use by non-donating individuals/entities will void the warranty.

Anonymous said...

I would love to join your softball league but you do not need anymore left hand bats!
Matt Kluck

Anonymous said...

A commissioner's comment that artificial turf is legal in CA has as an analogy that cigarette smoking is legal, but is injurious to a person's health. So legality, and health and safety, can coexist, even though legality is not a sufficient condition for good health and safety practice.

Anonymous said...

$50,000 Soccer
$50,000 Baseball
$21,000 Brumfield's Lacrosse
$500 Field Hockey 
$6,500 Football
$7,500 Softball
$7,500 Basketball

$2,500 PAC donated
$5,000 Blue Devil Club donated

The above totals only  $150,000.
That leaves over $155,000 from unnamed donors. I wonder if the school district contributed or some grant money (can you say WAM) showed up from Harrisburg?

If a lot of that $155,000 is covered by donations from certain interested parties is it possible we'll soon be hearing about quid pro quos in the form of change orders?

Anonymous said...

$50,000 Soccer
$50,000 Baseball
$21,000 Brumfield's Lacrosse
$500 Field Hockey
$6,500 Football
$7,500 Softball
$7,500 Basketball

Where is the Aqua Club donation? They lobbied for $2,000,000 in extra high school pool lanes and got a $4,000,000 upgrade to the municipal pool and didn't contribute to W/M. Why not?

Anonymous said...

9:05 these numbers keep changing. i had different numbers emailed to me by the lax association. but the lax association is an interesting organization. isn't it brumfield?

Lebo Citizens said...

What numbers were in your email, 9:19 PM? Brumfield definitely wanted that kept quiet. Franklin was very willing to share. Interesting, huh?

Anonymous said...

I don't see a donation from ice hockey either but big bucks are being spent on the hockey building.

Both our hockey building and the Penguins hockey building rent.

Give it up hockey!

Anonymous said...

It should be interesting In the parking lots come late fall when hockey and skating gets serious and play continues down at WCM.
Oh we'll definitely some serious new parking facilities which aren't in the turf budget!

Anonymous said...

Why have we only secured 161 signatures towards our goal of 1,000 for the anti-turf petition? That's not much since it was first posted in mid-April.

Anonymous said...

Elaine @ 9:27

I recall the lax contribution being higher (perhaps 2x as much) but maybe Brumfield requested that the local business contributions be withdrawn from the fundraising total to avoid a conflict of interest. They gave the coach with the conflict of interest the AX. His name isn't even on the website anymore. I think Brumfield blindsided one of his own. It's too bad he stopped there.

Anonymous said...


The petition has picked up steam the past weeks as our community has become aware of the turf issue. It is passive in that no one is personally circulating it. The total signatures collected in written and on-line form have surpassed the pro-turf petition.

-Charlotte Stephenson

Anonymous said...

OK First things first... I'm looking at this blog for the first time thanks to my traveling partner and our delayed flight this morning. I have a question. Who is Gateway? Are they the township's engineers? I gather they have some kind of professional business deal with Mt Lebanon. If so... And they are actively involved in this turfing project a donation by them would be at the worst illegal and at best immoral. Also since this project is now a Private/Public deal I believe that donors MUST be made available. I sure hope that Dick's isn't involved. They don't need MORE bad press. Guess it's going to be some time till those poor little lacrosse players play on turf as this appears to be heading downtown to a courtroom. But if MY taxes are increased by this group of idiots I'll donate the funds for a billboard letting people know how much is being wasted for a few hundred kids.

Anonymous said...

Someone earlier wrote about the eyesore at Castle Shannon Mt Lebanon Blvds. Yes LA Fitness was interested BUT Brumfield was against it and stopped it. He would be all in for a trailer park there or HUD apartments. Maybe a tent city for all the new illegals since Mt Lebanon schools are open to foreign students. What's another huge increase in our taxes... It's for kids right?

Anonymous said...

Two known and earlier disclosed corporate donors were (1) Gateway Engineering, our Muni Engr., turf project designer, bid manager and project manager for $4,000 with a reported "more to come", and (2) Dick's Sporting Goods for $5,000.

Lebo Citizens said...

Good morning, Traveler, and welcome to Lebo Citizens. Yes, The Gateway Engineers, Inc. is the company Mt. Lebanon uses as our municipal engineers and traffic consultants. They donated $4,000 in 2013 (cash in hand) toward the turf project with a promise for an additional donation in 2014. $4,000 commitment is mentioned in the
January 9, 2014 Sports Advisory Board meeting minutes.
Yes, through a Right To Know, I learned that Dick's Sporting Goods made a contribution toward this project. Commissioner Steve Silverman confirmed verbally to me during Citizen Comments that Dick's donated $5,000 with no expectations of signage or mdse. deals, just a flat out donation.
If this is "going downtown" it is ironic that this is the mastermind of two attorneys with the blessings of our Solicitor. See how David P. Franklin, one of the attorneys involved, involved his employer Eckert Seamans here.
This project stunk from the very beginning. Now, with Brumfield being defensive about individual donors, corporations, and youth sports associations contributions, raises red flags, in my mind.
Safe travels, 5:24 AM.

Anonymous said...

803: by virtue of public money being used, everyone who paid taxes is a contributing individual. Further, it's nonsensical to say a warranty would only cover those who directly contributrd. Were that the case, turf wouldnt appear anywhere ever.

Anonymous said...

I love hearing that this is going downtown, but instigated by whom and when?
5:24 you write that the donation by the municipal engineer is at worst illegal. Do you know what statutes cover it and what steps are needed to get it into the courts?
There is also the problem of renting public space to advertisers (field signs) and dispersing the revenue to "private" entities.

Lebo Citizens said...

Traveler, forgot to mention that this project is being funded by the overtaxing by our commissioners who approve the budget. This project is being funded by the unassigned funds from two budgets. Unassigned funds = overtaxing.

Also, it is documented in the print edition of mtl Magazine, that Dave Franklin was recruiting volunteers for fundraising through his employer's email account. That was changed in the digital and archived version of mtl Magazine. I do have a screen capture of that on the blog.

You do make a good point about buying a sign for the fields. The cost has increased from $500 to $750. If this goes through, and I am saying IF, I will start raising funds for a Lebo Citizens sign down at Middle and Wildcat Fields. Let's see what Chip says about the "spineless bloggers" then. Brumfield will hate that. He always rolls his eyes when I mention my blog during Citizen Comments.

Lebo Citizens said...

I'm with you, 7:59 AM. I love hearing that this is going downtown, but I hope that people aren't speculating that it will go downtown and then nothing is done by anyone. Also, on what grounds? Ugh. No pun intended. There are environmental concerns, health and safety, the historical component, but anything else? Can taxpayers revolt? I am still holding out on paying my taxes, which I usually do in June. Any class action suits for emotional distress? I want to be a part of that one! If so, contact me privately EGillen476@aol.com

Anonymous said...

While I'm not a legal expert by any means, following up on Travelers comment it seems Gateway, a paid consultant of the municipality donating money to private funds that make the turfing possible is a monumental conflict of interest according to PA definition.



(these sites will be down of friday for maintenance. See the rules and definitions for Pennsylvania)

How can Gateway - or any company that will profit from the turfing (we don't know who the corporate donors are!) - donate money to the private funds that if met assured the project goes forward. From my untrained legal perspective I'd say that looks like a bribe concealed as a donation! Opinions anyone?

Let's look at it from this angle.
The commissioners set up a decision that states we need $XXXX in private money before we'll buy Fieldturf or Gateway Engineering plans.

So Fieldturf (we don't know if they contributed or not) and Gateway (we're told they did) say: 'here's a $X,XXX contribution to your private donations.'

The commissioners happy as jaybirds declare- 'look we got the private money! Let's proceed with the $X,XXX,XXX project!'

And that is ethical? From my layman's eyes it isn't.

As for buying a sign for $750, Elaine, does that make any sense? You are in affect supporting turfing and the sports cabal above and beyond the taxes they're taking from you/us.

A better use of $750 would be hiring an attorney to manage a class action lawsuit. If 150 pitched in $5 we'd have $750 to hire an attorney!

Lebo Citizens said...

9:19 AM, I get that.

Anonymous said...

It appears as though the Fraasch's, came to their respective posts, with very unrealistic expectations. They both assumed that since they had the "correct" answers to every problem, the other members of their respective boards would surely go along with their agenda. They seemed to forget a small, but important part of living in a community that elects their representatives. If the majority of the electorate disagrees with your answer, then you can try to work with the other elected officials, or you can take you ball and go home. I assume that Mrs. Fraasch will now join her husband at home where they can tell each other how unfair and stupid the people of Mt. Lebanon are. I seriously doubt that she will humiliate herself by running for re-election.

Lebo Citizens said...

Copy of print edition of mtl Magazine in my 8:10 AM comments. It isn't a screen capture, but a pdf of the print article.

Municipality and (MTLSD?) raising non-municipal funds in corporate deal is a pretty telling post.

Through a RTK, I learned that our Commission President contributed to the turf project. Linfante contribution

Perhaps Brumfield did too and he doesn't want that to come out.

Anonymous said...

What would Brumfield lose by declaring his contribution?

Anonymous said...

Interesting article in today's PG, that could just as easily apply to Lebo politics.

"There are no hard and fast rules, but when there‘‍s a lack of transparency, well, you ought to know it when you see it."


Perhaps Assistant Managing Editor/Investigations Lillian Thomas (lthomas@post-gazette.com.) will expand the PG's investigations to include Pittsburgh greater metro area.

Hey, it'd certainly sell papers in Lebo!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if PA American Water contributed money/grant towards the artificial turf that will be polluting our streams and creeks?

Anonymous said...

I am only one who typically reads this blog but doesn't send anything to contribute however I can't be quiet on this chain. This morning one of the bloggers truly went personal on the frasch family and I find my experience and others I know in the community to be very different.
I live in VA Manor and I contacted my commissioner with no return contact. I know Ms. Frasch and asked her what to do and my issue was resolved within one hour. A while later I was at a party on Jefferson and a few of us were discussing a township issue and when the owners were trying to think about who their commissioner was Ms. Linfante's name came up and someone in the group said not to call her as she isn't good at responding. I suggested Kelly and we called her right then. She answered as she was at a party and stopped by our party to answer the questions and had the issue resolved within days. I don't go to my own commissioner and I know a lot of residents that don't. They go to Kelly. She could run for the rest of her life and win time and again. She is kind, smart, fair and serves us all well.

Anonymous said...

9:31 I think you might feel a little threatened. Maybe you are the one that had female issues yesterday. We understand that strong, smart women make you nervous.

Anonymous said...

9:31, so you like being lied too, having information withheld, lack of public access to meetings and lastly-- higher taxes.

Why don't you just don a 'Kick Me, I Enjoy Being Ignorant' t-shirt so we can stay out of your way.

Anonymous said...

I think most of the blog post shows the ugliness of our borough. Someone dedicates their time to the town and provides the best she can and because people don't agree with her they attack her. Real nice place in Lebo.

Anonymous said...

9:31 twist the facts as usual.
The Fraasch's never imposed their "'correct' answers to every problem" on anyone.
You neglect to state that James ran Audit &Finance meetings that invited public input - pro or con. He also attempt to start open town halls that his opponents immediately worked to shut down.
Kelly, offered her plans, which the other commissioners answered with keeping her out of the loop.
She also maintains an open blog that ASK FOR community input!
Tell me 9:31, which other commissioner is as transparent?
I don't know what Bizarro world you're living in, but it certainly isn't Mt. Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

$750 will pay for about 30 minutes of a qualified attorney's time. Multiple six-figures $$$ is needed to fill the pot for a multi-Plaintiff or class action suit. Injunctive relief however, would only require one with standing and another with deep pockets for bonds and costs protracted litigation... protracted just long enough for the new Commissioners to be sworn in.


Anonymous said...

Hey 9:31 am, chew on this fact for a while because it appears a lot of Mt. Lebo people are taking their balls and leaving.

"Overall, the total population of Mount Lebanon is expected to decline by 4.46% between 2010-2015." 


Idiot! Now you can sit with your thumb up your backside and believe artificial turf and higher taxes will save your little island, but declining population and school enrollments prove otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Lets see if you can comptrehend what the PARealtors study of Mt. Lebanon's population shift means, 9:31.

It states:
"Since 2000, we have seen a significant shift in the profile of consumers. The multicultural consumer has grown both in population size and in buying power. The findings of this study paint a complex, yet insightful picture of the Multicultural community. Given the rapid growth rate of Hispanic, Asian, and African-American population, the Gonzales Group examines Mount Lebanon, utilizing data compiled by the U.S. Census to identify the overall market potential within the multicultural segments. 

Overall, the total population of Mount Lebanon is expected to decline by 4.46% between 2010-2015. The Hispanic population will experience the largest growth, growing by 98.00%. 

From 2000 to 2010 Mount Lebanon saw the Hispanic and Asian population increase by 39.16% and 15.19%, respectively, while the African-American population increased by .96%. The traditional White non-Hispanic population decreased by 10.04%. 

Population Growth by Ethnicity

Over a 15 year period between 2000-2015, the population shifts in Mount Lebanon are projected to be profound with the overall population decreasing by 13.04% and the Hispanic and Asian population increasing by 52.09% and 19.95% respectively while the White non-Hispanic population is expected to decrease by 14.51% and African-American population is expected to increase by 4.46%.

Median Household Incomes

While the population growth in Mount Lebanon shows significant shifts in demographic profile, household median income does not necessarily track with population trends. Median incomes are the following:

White $73480
Black $79,348
Asian $53,598
Hispanic $46,250"
So, what we're seeing is that the tradition White population with a median income of $73,480 declining by 14.51%, while the Asian and Hispanic segment with median incomes of $53,598 and $46,250 growing by  52.09% and 19.95%

So 9:31, you're building a community with people that have fewer dollars in their pockets to support your Taj Mahals and grandiose "Crown Jewel" sports facilities.

What a plan! Why don't you call the President and suggest he ship some of those illegal young immigrants here that are causing great problems on our southern US border.

We can keep them entertained with our new soccer field!

Lebo Citizens said...

I had decided not to post 9:31 AM's comments because it was so over the top. I shared the unapproved comment with Kelly, but she said to go ahead and post it. I don't think I wouldn't have gotten that kind of a response from any of the other commissioners.

Anonymous said...

I just got a next door notice that Kelly Fraasch posted items on several issues. She is no 'one trick pony'. Anyone see any of the other Commissioners work as hard as her?

Anonymous said...

Kelly Fraasch I hope you run again.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Fraasch should run again and show these clowns what a woman can really do!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Elaine in my opinion you must approve comments like 9:31s if only to show on the surface what kind of people Kelly must put up with.
I've found Kelly to be proper, attentive, open-minded and always a lady even when we've discussed issues on which we don't see eye-to-eye.
It is obvious that 9:31 doesn't possess the same traits. Hell they can't even get simple facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Interesting about Robb Hollow. I went there last week and I saw spray paint on a street adjacent that could theoretically provide a good entry into the park. It was a "pa one call" related writing. I stood there pondering why someone would be tearing up this entry area into the park. Who knows?

It is a shame this town. Shame, shame, shame.

Anonymous said...

12:20, you seem somewhat knowledgable.
Could a sitting commissioner using the services of the solicitor apply for injunctive relief if they felt municipal codes or charter were being violated?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this idiot has no idea what he is talking about or ever observed a meeting in his life. Most of the commission follows Commissioner Frasch. She has gotten more done and passed then any other Commissioner I have seen. She says she needs something for her ward she tends to get it. she may have lost this turf battle but she is often winning the war.

Anonymous said...

9:31 seems a little nervous. Wondering if it is a staff person.

Lebo Citizens said...

3:27 PM, I want to remind everyone, that the turf battle is not over yet. The bids were awarded to Vasco but all the conditions must be met first.

It's not over yet.

Anonymous said...

What is going on in Lebo? Sexist, nasty comments about Kelly and now an attack on her husband? Seriously?

Admittedly, I rarely was on the same side of the fence as James but I always respected his analysis and use of facts to back his positions. And I saw the same thing from Kelly. Why is not OK to disagree there? Are you that parochial? Are you lacking in any confidence or self respect?

I have no skin in the game....we escaped. Frankly we could not have been more underwhelmed by the academics in Lebo and more overwhelmed by the hard core focus on athletics. It's why we left not only Lebo but PA. Our take on Lebo was "looks nice on the outside, but what happens inside isn't so great". Definitely felt that way about the schools...and the town proved to be the same. Pretty houses don't make up for the nasty people that live inside of them.

When we finally announced we were leaving, we were shocked at the number of families that seeked us out to tell us they were jealous that we were "escaping" and that they hated it there and were staying because of the kids. (To be fair, we also met lots of amazing people and families...one of whom sent me this email chain and asked me to respond.)

Until the citizenry puts down its arms and begin to engage in civil discourse, Lebo will continue to flounder.

And Ms. Gillen, though in reading through a lot of the other threads on your blog I do not necessarily agree with you, please continue to keep this blog alive and open to all views. This type of discussion is needed!

*fading back into the sunset*

Anonymous said...

3:29 that'd be my guess.
My first choice is the one that finds it so easy to diss other people.

Anonymous said...

4:23 there are a number of us trapped for financial reasons or we'd joined the exodus.

And according to the PARealtors' numbers there is a very real exodus.

Our short-sighted commissioners and municipal employees thing plastic turf, attacking newcomers and raising taxes will reverse the trend. Too bad they never learned that no one ever taxed themselves to prosperity.

Anonymous said...

9:31 I can't say that I wouldn't agree with James and Kelly if they did go home and say we were all stupid. Hell we are paying for a beautiful field that is currently used to be turfed for over $1m. We know that lighting and parking come next so let's be frank here we are looking at $1.5 to maybe close to $2m. Kelly raises a plan with one new full field and new practice fields with several other things for the community like trail connections and a dog park for $2m and oh wait allowing downtime to give the other fields a break which only improves them AND a handful of people said no and took their balls and walked home.

Anonymous said...

“Of all the evils for which man has made himself responsible, none is so degrading, so shocking or so brutal as his abuse of the better half of humanity; the female sex.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Lebo Citizens said...

Hi 4:23 PM, I don't agree with everything here, but I did want to be considerate of the Fraaschs. I can't stand the trolls who are making Kelly into the bad guy, so I haven't been publishing everything that comes through. It is horrible. Likewise, I don't publish all the crap that is said about Kristen or Brumfield. Some of it is THAT bad. I am not a fan of either of them, but that's the way it goes. I guess I am the idiot here.

I don't publish everything that is said of me. Sorry.

I keep all of it in my spam folder, so when I do decide to take action, it's all there.

I would love to pick up my house and move it out of Mt. Lebanon. I'm trapped too. The school board is out of control and now the commission is just like the school board. But I just can't sit and take it, hence the blog.

Anonymous said...

... and the Commissioners say... What, me worry?

Lebo Citizens said...

Sigh, yes I'm still awake. I reread 9:31 AM's comments to see what was said to cause the outburst. I think it was when Traveler mentioned that this was headed toward a courtroom. So who stands to lose if that happens? The commissioners. But why attack Kelly? Because she asked for a roll call vote, in case this goes to court. And who was most upset when Kelly asked for the roll call vote? Which commissioner is threatened by Kelly? Which commissioner has spoken publicly against Kelly's husband in the past? Reread 9:31 AM's comment and you can figure out who submitted that comment.

Anonymous said...

Who stands to lose if this went to court? We all do!
It isn't as if we haven't been through this before. Remember the high school project not meeting the zoning requirements for parking. How much money was wasted in legal battles just because the school directors and administration wanted it their way!
Which they eventually got and the community is left holding the bag for a boondoggle that is coming in way over the promised $100 million.
You can be sure this turfing will, in the end, cost way over the $1 million being spent now.
As for the speculation on whom 9:31 is... if it's who I think you're saying have they ever been involved in anything that broke even?

Anonymous said...

Is 9:31 also the same idiot that mentioned kids getting split-lips from baseball play at the current WCM field?
Obviously, someone that doesn't think, has no idea of what they're talking about and has no concerns over the care or cost of maintaining any of Lebo's other rec facilities or opportunities.

Anonymous said...

2:10, are you serious that women make better leaders?!
After all these years of equal rights laws, and gender neutrality and we'll fixate on women are better... no, no men are better... no, no white women are better... no black men are.
When do we throw off the labels and catagorizing and focus on the individual rather than their sex, skin color or nationality?
There are men that I wouldn't trust to lead any farther than I could throw them.
There are women that I sometimes wonder how they can find the floor when they get out of bed in the morning.
Then I find opposites, brilliant men and women.
Pigeon holing based on gender is absurd!

Anonymous said...

"Brian Auer, another member of the Turf Project Task Force and Sports Advisory Board, doesn't understand why any corporate sponsor should be made public. "
Of course he doesn't, because accountability and ethics violations aren't a consideration-- this project is a must have in his book come hell or high water.

Mr. Auer apparently isn't familiar with the term quid pro quo. If certain "corporations" or municipal contractors that stand to make thousands from the turfing donate money to assure the project gets the required private funding that is a clear cut ethics violation. Essentially a form of bribery as in 'here commissioners is a check so you make the private money level and can award the bid, (that my company will make a lot of money from... just make sure you don't tell people where it came from!).

Mr. Auer, why are you afraid of an accounting of the money? If this is such a huge "crown jewel" for the community one would think corporate donors would be happy to be associated with it!

That Mr. Auer is why the donors should be known!

Anonymous said...

From that linked article on women making better leaders--
"The top scholar on gender and leadership, Dr. Alice Eagly, recently stated that her studies show that women are more likely than men to possess the leadership qualities that are associated with success. That is, women are more transformational than men - they care more about developing their followers, they listen to them and stimulate them to think "outside the box," they are more inspirational, AND they are more ethical."

Yeah, our commission president is a poster child for Dr. Eagly's study. What was it she said in a recent commission meeting? Something like "I'll shut down this meeting!" then there is the "What the Kluck" protest.

So much for thinking outside the box, inspiration and caring.

Anonymous said...

8:12 I think the point is that they are capable of being better leaders than what earlier comments had suggested.
But I didn't write the link or comment.
i just wanted to make one comment on this issue that if this was all done in fair democratic process hardly any questions would be left to decide. No one would be wondering about things because it would be all decided. This is as dirty as it gets and I am a D that has served to get most, if not all, these commissioners elected. I am only proud of one Commissioner that continued to stick to the values that the party believes in. Some Ds have discounted her because they feared she might sway from those values once elected but she has been the only one that has continued to stand up and speak confidently about the party's values.

Anonymous said...

Soccer guy won't gloat when he sees his time hasn't changed at all. No extra time Soccer guy look at the schedule, do the math. You got bumped!

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:31, you should probably be more concerned about your personal problems that put you in a real estate quandary instead of the Fraasch's public service which most of the township see as exemplary.

--Tom the Tinker

Anonymous said...

10:19, I agree that things have gotten about as dirty and underhanded as they can get in Lebo.
As for whether it is a D or R problem, my thinking it is more of a people problem - male and female.
Pretty much every candidate in recent years has run on a platform arguing for more transparency, more open dialogue.
Instead it seems to me we are getting less and less and paying more and more for it.
As for one official sticking by their campaign promises, she seems to be getting hammered the most and I don't understand it.
I don't agree with her on many issues, but she always goes out of her way to solicit input and I believe sometimes she even deviates from her original position because of it.
A trait I don't see in the four other commissioners.

Anonymous said...

Well well. So Ms. Linfante is originally from NEW JERSEY! That explains a hell of a lot.

The Tax Foundation found that homeowners in New Jersey have the highest property taxes in the USA - higher than California (which doesn't even make it into the top 10!!). By the way, the second lowest state for property taxes in the USA is....(drum roll)...HAWAII!

Anonymous said...

The Commissioners (at least four of them) would be more honest if during constituent comments they cover their ears and sang out loud - la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la...

Lebo Citizens said...

Mtl Magazine on Facebook:
"You are always welcome to call the public information office or any municipal department if you have a question, a concern or a complaint—and we all have them from time to time. Special thanks to the many residents who share their concerns politely and make an effort to disagree without being disagreeable (the title of a former Community Relations Board forum). It makes our town deserving of the motto "A Community with Character." Have a peaceful weekend."
Do ya think they're getting bombarded with complaints? Is it about artificial turf? Or is it about the $4.3 million pool coating failing? It's only been open for a couple of weeks and there are a whole bunch of problems.