Friday, April 10, 2015

Tuesday's Commission Meeting Canceled

From:LeboALERT <>
To:EGillen476 <>
Subject:LeboALERT: The Mt. Lebanon Comm...
Date:Fri, Apr 10, 2015 9:17 am

This is an important notice from LeboALERT.

The Mt. Lebanon Commission has
cancelled the Discussion and Regular Meetings scheduled for April 14, 2015.  The
next meeting will be Mon., April 27,

There wasn't a quorum. Interviews for Ward 3 Commissioner will be held at the April 27, 2015 meeting. An appointment will be made on the same evening.


Anonymous said...

Hi Elaine,

What equates to a quorum at the commission meeting, 2/3 of the commission members or just a majority? Who will not be attending, do you know? Thanks Elaine

Nick M.

Lebo Citizens said...

Dave Brumfield and Steve Silverman were not able to attend.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Silverman will be busy supplying his company sewer "snakes" for the annual muni spring sanitary sewer cleanout, and Dumbfield will be chasing ambulances. Personal business comes first in the bubble.

Anonymous said...

Dave Brumfield missed the last meeting too. Isn't there a 3 strikes and you're out rule or is that just me wishfully thinking hoping to get rid of my Ward 4 representative.

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

Nick, the rule is 3 consecutive general meetings. The commission schedule 2 meetings per month - a general meeting, followed by an adjourned meeting. The adjourned meeting is allegedly to be a continuation of the general meeting (another legal BS arrangement), but for meeting record keeping, the adjourned meeting is counted as a separate meeting.

Therefore, Dumbfield and his merry bunch of misfits have another way to avoid the expulsion rule thanks to our corrupt state governmental system and laws.

Jim said...

I know this is REALLY off topic but Saturday my wife and I were walking our dog and a black cat joined us. We couldn't believe that our normally unfriendly dog accepted this cat. We couldn't get close enough to touch the cat but were just out of reach. A woman on Crystal said the cat was a stray and friends with all the dogs. There is NO way this cat is feral. It was either dumped or got lost. It is black with big beautiful yellow eyes. Anyone know a family missing their black cat? This poor thing deserves better!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are doing their taxes!

Anonymous said...

If you are correct 1:37 I would entertain the thought that both Dave and Steve traded their "yes" votes for the artificial turf project in exchange for some "free" tax preparation service. Isn't that how things works here in the bubble?

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

Nick.. I recently heard through the grapevine that our Police Chief had "connections" with Merlin nothing surprised me in this town..

Anonymous said...

Hi 8:34, I always wondered where Benner's name came from. I personally thought it was Tom Kelley who had some sort of connection with Benner because Tom was the one who introduced Benner to the commissioners. But when you think back, we went from spending $12,000 for a deer management program, then that was put aside for an in-house bow hunt, then back to Benner and his crew. For the life of me, I can't figure this one out.

Nick M.

Anonymous said...

Benner and McDonough? No wonder the Chief is retiring.

Anonymous said...

Methinks the chief had a not too successful hip replacement recently from having to lift & dispose of the hundreds of dead deer in the bubble, plus his prospects for top state cop job have increased because the acting top cop is under attack by politicians.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't this sound like Mt Lebanon?

"High inequality, if anything, has negative effects on economic growth, by making the economy more vulnerable to crises and long recessions, and by corrupting the political process. When the rich capture politics, they mainly use their influence to limit competition from below and extract rents from everyone else. This depresses growth." - Elizabeth Anderson via the NYTimes